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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Home Away From Home

It's time to start planning a summer vacation. I don't mean picking out a vacation spot - we did that months ago. Okay, actually, there's nothing left to plan. I made the plan in January. For a July vacation.

We're going to our favorite camping spot in Western Washington - Lake Cushman, on the southeast edge of the Olympic National Park. The water is crystal clear and perfect for swimming.

It's very near to the Staircase Ranger Station and all the lovely hiking in that region.

Luckily, we love camping. Okay, actually, I love camping, and over the years I've converted my kids into campers. This year, we're taking two of my son's friends along so he'll love it even more. If you just did the mental arithmetic you'll realize that 1 + 2 + 2 = 4 teenagers and me. You pity me, don't you? Don't worry, I love teenagers. I'm also bringing booze. Lots of booze, just for me.

When I say it's lucky we love camping, I mean that if we didn't we would probably never go on vacation. Making a living as a writer doesn't mean living in the lap of luxury, unless one is a writer like J.K. Rowling. I'm not. The fee for six nights of camping in a Washington State Park is around the same as for one hotel room for one night. That's not much of a vacation. So, six nights for five people = $120. Deal!

Plus, there's S'mores. There are always S'mores. I'm not sure I could handle a vacation without S'mores.

And finally, this is our home away from home. Although, I'm thinking of getting my very own little tent this year and stuffing all the teens into this one. Just me, a little nylon shelter and the booze. Sounds heavenly.